Industrial Pressure Washing Chicago

Industrial pressure washing Chicago

Industrial Pressure Washing Chicago

Industrial pressure washing Chicago is a service we offer which consist of cleaning warehouses, equipment, machinery, air condenser coils and more.

Specifically, what classifies this to us is any type of pressure washing that is not commercial or residential.

In truth, Industrial pressure washing Chicago takes specific types of cleaning for each surface. For instance, a warehouse ceiling, wall and floor cleaning can differ between plants. Truly, it depends on the circumstance in the warehouse.

 Certain towers and equipment we have cleaned had atmospheric pollution (carbon-based). Furthermore, others have had biological pollution (mold and Mildew).

For more information please call 312-384-0044

Pressure Washing Continued

Let’s face it after some time the oils, dirt, dust and other contaminants can get into everything. In fact, we have systems in place to remove these items. From any industrial space or equipment.

Above all, we have the grease cutting agents and specialty steam pressure washing equipment for the job. We can clean any space or equipment.

After 30 years of providing this service, we have seen many scenarios. More than not, each job is unique and takes a different process. All depending on the space or equipment. For example, some warehouses do not have drains (See Water Reclamation Below). Other warehouses do not have proper ventilation. Many are filled with priceless equipment that can be damaged if it were to get wet.

To find out more call 312-384-0044

Vacuum Reclamation

In fact,  item many companies in this field do not offer is vacuum reclamation. Above all, we do own vacuum reclamation equipment and we use it quite frequently. This allows us to perform work where others can’t.
Consequently, many of these services like warehouse ceiling, walls, and floor cleaning can take quite a bit of water. Along with certain truck docks. Some of the spaces we clean are office spaces. For example tile and grout cleaning. These areas definitely need water reclamation.
See here for information on condenser coil cleaning Chicago
Call to find out more call 312-384-0044



Industrial Pressue Washing Chicago
Industrial Pressue Washing Chicago
Heavy Equipment Cleaning Chicago Before
Heavy Equipment Cleaning Chicago After